Professional and academic exams

The British Council no longer offer examination supervision for UK academic or professional examinations in Belgium. Find out which other organisations offer exam supervision in Belgium and the Benelux region. 

Professional and university exams

  • The British Council Netherlands can supervise Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) exams.
  • ECB examinations Centre The ISTEC Brussels Examination Centre (Centre address: Silversquare Triomphe, ISTEC, Avenue Arnaud Fraiteur 15-23, 1050 Brussels) hosts examinations for distance learning programmes worldwide, as well as individual exams that students visiting or working in Belgium might need to take. Our clients include the University of London (BE2), King’s College London, ACCA (S920), University of South Africa (9013016), Charles Sturt (576), Deakin (BELO) and many others. We also are registered to give Cambridge assessment admissions testing (BE022) if you need to sit one of these exams.

    Contact name: Ingrid SUPO, Exam Centre Coordinator Phone: 00 32 (0) 472 57 47 62 Email:

Other examinations

Contact the relevant Examining Board(s) directly (see below) to find out where your nearest centre is located. If there is no accredited centre in Belgium you will need to travel to a centre abroad.